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“The Future of Infant Formula and Parent Empowerment” on The Nourished Child Podcast with Jill Castle, MS, RDN and Dr. Devon Kuehn

  • 5 December 2024

About this Podcast

Dr. Devon Kuehn, neonatologist and Chief Medical Officer at ByHeart, chats with Jill Castle, MS, RDN about the future of infant formula, advancements in formula nutrition, and how to navigate the infant formula market.

Get full information on the blog: https://thenourishedchild.com/blog


  • Published: December 5, 2024
  • Length: 53 minutes
  • Episode 227
Devon Kuehn, MD Chief Medical Officer of ByHeart

Devon is a board-certified pediatrician and neonatologist and the Chief Medical Officer at ByHeart, a fully integrated baby nutrition company dedicated to empowering parents with choice. As the CMO, Devon leads all innovation and product development, clinical research, nutrition science, medical affairs and education, post market surveillance, and regulatory activities for the company. Prior to joining ByHeart, Devon was Chief Medical Officer at Paidion Research, the only dedicated pediatric clinical research organization in the US. Devon’s medical academic career was primarily at East Carolina University, as a neonatologist and Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Pediatrics. Devon earned her medical degree from the Uniformed Services University and completed her pediatric residency and neonatal fellowship training at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. During her fellowship, Devon conducted research at NIH, NICHD, Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research. Devon has co-authored over 35 peer-reviewed publications with a focus on pregnancy and early life exposures and the impact on growth and development.

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